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Data Types


This section describes data type mapping between Kotlin and databases.

Dialect data types

A dialect determines the default data type mapping between Kotlin and database.

User-defined data types

To map a user-defined Kotlin data type to a database data type, you must create and register a class that conforms to the Service Provider Interface specification.

For example, suppose you want to map the following Kotlin data type example.Age to an INTEGER type in a database.

package example

data class Age(val value: Int)

In the case of JDBC

Create a class that implements org.komapper.jdbc.spi.JdbcUserDefinedDataType to perform the mapping:

package example.jdbc

import example.Age
import org.komapper.jdbc.spi.JdbcUserDefinedDataType
import java.sql.JDBCType
import java.sql.PreparedStatement
import java.sql.ResultSet
import kotlin.reflect.KClass

class AgeType : JdbcUserDefinedDataType<Age> {
    override val name: String = "integer"

    override val klass: KClass<Age> = Age::class

    override val jdbcType: JDBCType = JDBCType.INTEGER

    override fun getValue(rs: ResultSet, index: Int): Age {
        return Age(rs.getInt(index))

    override fun getValue(rs: ResultSet, columnLabel: String): Age {
        return Age(rs.getInt(columnLabel))

    override fun setValue(ps: PreparedStatement, index: Int, value: Age) {
        ps.setInt(index, value.value)

    override fun toString(value: Age): String {
        return value.value.toString()

Register the above class in a file with the following name:

  • META-INF/services/org.komapper.jdbc.spi.JdbcUserDefinedDataType

This file contains the fully qualified name of the class as follows:


You can register multiple classes together by separating lines.

In the case of R2DBC

Create a class that implements org.komapper.r2dbc.spi.R2dbcUserDefinedDataType to perform the mapping:

package example.r2dbc

import example.Age
import io.r2dbc.spi.Row
import io.r2dbc.spi.Statement
import org.komapper.r2dbc.spi.R2dbcUserDefinedDataType
import kotlin.reflect.KClass

class AgeType : R2dbcUserDefinedDataType<Age> {

    override val name: String = "integer"

    override val klass: KClass<Age> = Age::class

    override val javaObjectType: Class<*> = Int::class.javaObjectType

    override fun getValue(row: Row, index: Int): Age? {
        return row.get(index, Int::class.javaObjectType)?.let { Age(it) }

    override fun getValue(row: Row, columnLabel: String): Age? {
        return row.get(columnLabel, Int::class.javaObjectType)?.let { Age(it) }

    override fun setValue(statement: Statement, index: Int, value: Age) {
        statement.bind(index, value.value)

    override fun setValue(statement: Statement, name: String, value: Age) {
        statement.bind(name, value.value)

    override fun toString(value: Age): String {
        return value.value.toString()

Register the above class in a file with the following name:

  • META-INF/services/org.komapper.r2dbc.spi.R2dbcUserDefinedDataType

This file contains the fully qualified name of the class as follows:


You can register multiple classes together by separating lines.

Data type conversion

To convert a data type to another type, you must create and register a class that conforms to the Service Provider Interface specification.

For example, suppose you want to treat Int as the following example.PhoneNumber in your application.

package example

data class PhoneNumber(val value: Int)

Create a class that implements org.komapper.core.spi.DataTypeConverter to perform the conversion:

package example

import org.komapper.core.spi.DataTypeConverter
import kotlin.reflect.KClass

class PhoneNumberTypeConverter : DataTypeConverter<PhoneNumber, Int> {
    override val exteriorClass: KClass<PhoneNumber> = PhoneNumber::class
    override val interiorClass: KClass<Int> = Int::class

    override fun unwrap(exterior: PhoneNumber): Int {
        return exterior.value

    override fun wrap(interior: Int): PhoneNumber {
        return PhoneNumber(interior)

Register the above class in a file with the following name:

  • META-INF/services/org.komapper.core.spi.DataTypeConverter

This file contains the fully qualified name of the class as follows:


You can register multiple classes together by separating lines.

Value classes

When you use a value class, the inner type of the value class is used for mapping.

Support for kotlinx-datetime

Komapper supports following data types of kotlinx-datetime:

  • kotlinx.datetime.Instant
  • kotlinx.datetime.LocalDate
  • kotlinx.datetime.LocalDateTime

To use these types, declare kotlinx-datetime in the Gradle dependencies declaration as follows:

dependencies {

Also, declare komapper-datetime-jdbc or komapper-datetime-r2dbc:

val komapperVersion: String by project
dependencies {
Last modified July 26, 2022: Introduce DataTypeConverter (33a631d)